You might have noticed that pretty much all my videos pre-2021 have my face blurred in them. No, it is not an episode of COPS, but it is a bit of a bizarre story/reason as to why, so please allow me to indulge you, I promise I'll try to keep it short:
For a long while I had dealt with two separate people harassing me, one of the ways they did is by filing false privacy complaints against my videos claiming they were me to which YouTube would just give the benefit of the doubt and gave me an ultimatum to either blur my face within the videos or risk having them removed, obviously I did not want them getting removed, so I was forced to blur them.
To add further insult to injury, once you blur a video (which you have to do with YouTube's built-in video editor) that new, blurred, version is permanent and irreversible. But, if you really do not like the blur, there is a good chance that the higher-quality, unblurred version is available on my own platform for ASMR content, TinglyTube, so look there and if you don't find it, let me know and I can gladly reupload it there without the blur (provided I still have the unblurred version).
Luckily towards the end of 2020 YouTube started offering creators the ability to appeal privacy complaints which they previously didn't, because of this I was able to avoid having to blur some of them. During the appeal process (which required me to submit a scanned copy of my birth certificate) I had made it very clear to YouTube's Creator Support team that the privacy complaints were fraudulent and not submitted by me, MM15, or my team.
After enough appeals YouTube became as equally as sick and tired of them as I was and eventually stopped accepting further privacy complaints. A few videos are still down though as YouTube never seemed to get back to me on those specific appeals, but most are still up and on YouTube, with the rest being on TinglyTube as stated before.